
By Wendelin Van Draanen c. 2001    

Reading level: Ages 9-12
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers (May 13, 2003)

Bryce Loski and Julianna Baker met each other for the first time when they are seven years old. Living across the street from one another makes them close neighbors, but they are far from being close friends. As the reader we are able to see both point of views with alternating chapters of each character. Both characters view each other and the world very differently; Juli who thinks Bryce is the cutest thing on earth and Bryce who thinks Juli is weird. They only see the appearances rather than whats deeper, until they get older.


WINNER 2004 – California Young Reader Medal
WINNER 2003 – Virginia Young Readers Program Award
WINNER 2004 – Nevada Young Readers Award
WINNER 2003 – South Carolina Children’s Book Award
NOMINEE 2004 – Illinois Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Award

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1 Response to Flipped

  1. cody says:

    i love the book but the end was kinda dum but it was a good book i hope the make a 2 book of this book

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