Runaway Friend

The Runaway Friend.

By Kathleen Ernst

ISBN: 1593692986, c.2008

A Swedish girl, Kirsten, is faced with the challenge of living on the American frontier in Minnesota.  It is a time where neighbors help neighbors out.  Enter Erik Sandal, who got Kirsten’s Uncle to cosign a debt with him.  He disappears.   Why?  Kirsten won’t fall prey to all the slandering thoughts the family thinks about Erik now that he skipped out.  There are two things that are going on that affect Kirsten’s life right now: how to help the family harvest if the oxen are taken in lieu of repayment of the loan and to find out what has really happened to her friend Erik.   This is a tale of promises, hardship, mystery and frontier life.

This story is both interesting and eay to read.  I give it a five star review

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