What’s the Weather Inside?


What’s the Weather Inside?
By Wilson, K.

New York, NY: Margeret K. McElderry Books

ISBN: 978-1416900924, c. 2009

Best for ages 7-11

With a keen understanding of an older child’s view of the world, Wilson poetry covers everything from the trials of being a sibling to the onerous task of having to complete homework or chores, with plenty of the ridiculous thrown in for good measure.  All accompanied by Barry Blitt’s distinctive and appropriate illustrations.  Irreverent, playful, and full of puns, alliteration, and humorous literal takes on everyday words, this book of poetry is sure to delight many younger tween’s and send them off giggling and guffawing.  Wilson’s poetry doesn’t quite match the unsurpassed brilliance of Shel Silverstein, but it comes pretty darn close.

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