Harry Houdini : Master of Magic

Harry Houdini : Master of Magic 

By Robert Kraske

ISBN: 9780811645782, c1973

Harry Houdini died on Halloween night. Did you know that?

This was a great way to get introduced to some of the more colorful aspects of Houdini’s life. There are quite a few other biographies and things out there, but many of them are extremely long and detailed. Much of the Houdini literature is written for magicians, with all of the excruciating detail that a real worshiper would want. That’s not me, but I do find him fascinating, so this book was an excellent overview of his life and magic. I now feel like I know much more about whom he was and what he did, fleshing out the myth that surrounds him, but I wasn’t drug through a thousand pages of boring details. The book is well written, with some quirky aspects that show through because of the author’s perspective on some of the controversies and questions.

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