Professional Reading Log

Professional Reading Log

The goal of this assignment is to reflect on readings from research, current theories, and professional writings about tweens.


Set up a site for your professional reading reflections. This can be the same site as your digital materials record, but use tags or pages to identify it as your professional reading log.

Record a 250 – 500 word response to your reading each week. The reading you respond to may be the assigned reading or it can be another piece of reading about tweens (or a documentary/news item/article/report) that you discovered on your own or that I have recommended.

This is a reflective piece; you should examine and respond to your reading critically.  You may use some of the following as guiding questions, but you are by no means limited to these:

  • How does this text confirm or contradict what you have read elsewhere?
  • How does your personal experience match with the claims in this text?
  • What questions or issues does this piece raise or leave unanswered?
  • What are the implications of this on your professional practice?
  • What is the author’s bias?
  • What are the limitations or weakness in this argument/text?

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