Week 10: Tweens and Media: Ypulse

Tweens and Media: Ypulse
Week 10 April 6-12


This was an interesting site and is easy to navigate.  I liked the word tag feature. It appears to be a place where you can gain insight to the tween culture.

Ypulse Mashup Sponsor Interview: Chris Williams, Take 180

This article was about an interview with Chris Williams, Take 180.   We learn the Take 180 is a social site for web shows.  A community of users, who can power the episodes by submitting their own version of the story, ideas, video, artwork, etc.   I found this article interesting because it covered a social networking site that encourages participation and is driven by the audience of users.  In addition it is a great way for tweens to try their hand at producing a program for part of the series.  The user community drives the media, submits media, votes on other submissions.  There are finalists.   I really thought this was an intriguing site.

A Teen’s Take on Tween Online Communities

It was nice to hear how one tween explains her use of the internet and websites designed for younger audiences.  I thought it was interesting that she noted young audience users tend to use a site and see what they can do with it and/or get around restrictions.  I happen to agree with what Julia said with the more restrictions there are the less fun a site is; how are you suppose to keep any interest if there are so many restrictions that it hurts usage?   One thing she mentioned that was of interest to her was the ability to get tokens / rewards while using a game like site.

Social Nets for Tweens:  Who Will be the Facebook, The MySpace, The Friendster?

I have to say, as others before me stated, I haven’t heard about any of the sites mentioned.   This is probably because I don’t have any tween in the house.   I also think that there might be a need for sites that are designed somewhere in between the Togeherville, Imbee, and Everloop sites that transition for tweens before they become ready for Facebook.   I know, they have cell phones and that might be the port of in between babyish sites to Facebook.

Readings for Week 10 April 6-12

Investigate and read several posts/articles to http://www.ypulse.com.

Be sure to scan the section on Tweens, and access content through channels, topics and tags in the nav. bar on the right hand side of the homepage.

Find articles that deal with tweens and media–there is so much here that I don’t want to restrict your reading. Post your responses to a few articles that provoke, incite, or motivate you. Look for content on issues we have not already raised in our discussions so far.

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