Media Group Project

Media Group Project Instructions:

Each member of the class will work in a group to complete either the media group project OR the non-fiction assignment.

The goal of this assignment is to experience the process of identifying media trends and using those trends to:

  • promote library services
  • advocate for reading and literacy (information and media).


In this assignment you will work with other members of the class to identify a tween media trend and develop a focused tie-in collection and potential marketing and programming ideas.

  • Each group will select a medium (first come! first serve!)
    • Film, television, Web, music, magazines.
  • Group members will contribute  a review of 5 items within the medium developed for or marketed to tweens (i.e., if you are looking at a web site it needs to be Club Penguin, not Facebook.)
  • Consider educational tie-ins – how can the element be used to learn? Provide a brief overview of a plan for using the item as a learning activity.
    • A discussion about this can take place with me to help generate ideas.
  • Present the digital representation of the collection, in a scheduled Elluminate session.
  • Each individual will provide a 60 second review of a selected item.
  • The group as a whole will discuss the process of selection:
    • What criteria did you use?
    • What tools did you use?
    • What difficulties you did you have in finding potential titles?
    • What worked for you in finding potential titles?

Media Group Project Submission Instructions:

Each member will submit to Angel a reflection on the process, include the URL of the digital collection.

  • What criteria for selection did you use?
  • What tools did you use to find/select titles?
  • What successes and difficulties did you experience?
  • Which titles did you submit to the project?
  • How did you determine if it was a ‘tween’ title?
  • Reflect on the process of collaboration to build the collection.
  • What else does the professor need to know about this experience?

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