Tale of Despereaux

Tale of Despereaux Animated Film

Tale of Despereaux Animated Film

Studio: Universal

DVD Release Date: April 7, 2009

Run Time: 93 minutes

Rating: G General Audience

This movie is very thoughtful and does not rushthrough the details of the story which helps make it easy to take in the varying plots. The characters look like they are from a long ago which reminds me of the old enchantment tales like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. This is a fairy tale that has a moral and and a wonderful and happy ending for all. This is a movie that tweens can enjoy and envelope themselves in. They will appreciate the thoughtfulness of the courageous little mouse Despereaux.

The book is a Newbery winner for 2004.  When I saw the movie I thought it was a super adaptation of the book. The movie brought to life all the wonderful characters from the book did a really good job of tying in all of the plots in the book. I would recommend this movie to tweens because it’s not too silly or goofy, plus there is a happy ending as the hero conquers the bully with the help of some others happiness may return to the land.

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