The Blue Planet ~ Coral Seas

Blue Planet ~ Coral Seas

The blue planet. part 3: seas of life : seasonal seas/coral seas

Published by: British Broadcasting Corporation

ISBN: 9780790767840, c2002.

Runtime: 98 minutes

There are some seas where fish swarm in millions and plankton blossoms in vast clouds. The quantity of life here is unmatched anywhere in the oceans.   Bathed in warm, clear tropical waters, coral reefs are the rainforests of the sea. They look like underwater paradises, but life is actually spent in a fight for the best space where corals hold everything together.   The photography is spectacular and has amazing footage of the seas.    Though its beautiful to watch and be amazed, there was also a scene that displays how the storm is devistating to the seas.

Includes: 1. Introduction [3:00]
2. Diving Deep [1:30]
3. Reef Whitetip Sharks [3:33]
4. Destroyed Coral Reef [4:34]
5. Nightime Sharks [4:32]
6. Trouble Underwater [6:20]
7. Blacktips Shark [6:07]
8. Silvertip Rumor [4:58]
9. Silky Sharks [4:48]
10. Deep Sharks [5:24]
11. Hammerheads [4:40]
12. Decompression [1:45]

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